La Photo du Jour 016 – La Perturbation


1 in stock


La Perturbation [The Disturbance]

36″ x 36″ Large Canvas Print

Only one (1) print will be produced. Includes FREE shipping to U.S. mainland destinations.

• NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S

She speaks to the class, “This is the Sorbonne. It is not as if our history of free thinking and great wisdom is shallow. I do not know what you saw on this very campus early today. However, your assignment is to prepare a one-page essay. I want your work to report what happened so that someone who was not there will completely understand. Here is the most important instruction. I am not interested in the physical occurrences even if you must speak of this. I want to know your deepest impressions and feelings. Sylvie, how did this intrusive activity make you feel?”

[from the screenplay Geneviève of Arc.]